It's a fairly quiet Sunday for me. The sun is shining, my husband is at work, and it's just me, our cat, and my cup of tea. I'm slowing down to collect myself after a rather exciting June. To remind myself to be still. To breathe. To enjoy this moment of mundane for as long as it lasts. Because that's what feels like love to me.
For some, it's the warmth of a hug from a loved one, the sound of their laughter echoing in your ears. For others, it's the taste of their favorite meal, watching sunshine dancing off the lake, or seeing the celestial celebration of the night sky. These little things are powerful reminders that beauty is everywhere, shining forth from everything.
Now is always the right time to stop and smell the roses. To breathe deeper. To pay closer attention. To make the most of our time here.
When you stop rushing so much, you get to feel life as you live it. Life is a rollercoaster ride. But through it all, we hold on tight because the thrill is worth it.